Sengunthar Public School divided the students into four houses namely

  • Prithvi

  • Agni

  • Sagar

  • Aakash

  • Every student on admission is allotted one of these houses. Each house is headed by a House Captain from among the students. Points are awarded to the students throughout the year for participation in CCA activities and sports. At the end of the year the House gaining the highest number of points wins the Best House Trophy.

  • We conduct inter house competitions on Oration, Essay writing (Tamil, English and Hindi), Vocal Music, Dance, Quiz, Drawing, PowerPoint Presentation etc.

  • CLUBS:

    • SPORTS:

    • We have wide area of sports field and courts for games. We equip the children to perform in an active manner in sports like Volleyball, throw ball, bad Minton, tennikoit and indoor games etc.,

    • The students will be given special coaching after school hours.


    • We provide music, art & Craft, Yoga as Co -Curricular Activity (CCA) and these activities have been included in the regular Curriculum

    • Besides this, we provide the following activities as Extra Curricular Activity (ECA) for one hour per day. To develop their skills, they can opt any one of the activities of the day.
    Monday chess Silambam
    Tuesday Yoga Abacus
    Wednesday Art & Craft Dance
    Thursday Karate Robotics
    Friday Gymnastics Skating


      • Our institution provides field trips for the children correlated to the subjects and to enrich the knowledge. Every year we are planning for 3- 5 trips regularly.
Sengunthar Group of Institutions